Study on ICA Algorithm to Harmonic Analysis on Frequency Distortion ICA算法在工频失真度谐波分析应用中的研究
This design concept lowers the frequency resonance ( distortion) of the diaphragm and extends bass response. 这种设计理念降低频共振(失真)的光圈和扩展低音响应。
Only four parameters are needed to define everything that matters for audio reproduction: Noise, frequency response, distortion, and time-based errors. 对声频复制来说,所以重要的事情都可以用四个参数来标出:噪音,频率响应,失真,时基误差。
The measurement indices of voltage sag include amplitude, time duration, frequency, distortion degree and etc, and the precise measure of amplitude and time duration is the primary problem to solve of real time monitoring of voltage sag. 电压凹陷的衡量指标包括幅值、持续时间、频次和畸变度等,其中幅值和持续时间的精确测量是电压凹陷实时监测中首先要解决的问题。
Conventional discharge condition detection methods extracting only certain eigenvalue are not suitable for the Micro-EDM due to the high frequency and distortion of voltage wave shape. 常规放电状态检测方法由于仅采用单一的特征量进行状态判别,因此在加工信号频率高、加工波形产生畸变的微细电火花加工中,不再适用。
The expressions of ideal frequency distortion M_0 、 objective function Y are presented. 文中提出了理想频率失真系数M0的表达式和目标函数y的表达式。
The measurement of Mel spectrum distortion is a kind of warped frequency spectrum distortion measure. Using Mel frequency scale can reflect sufficiently the nonlinear perceptive characteristics of human hearings to frequency and amplitude. 阐述了Mel谱失真测度的概念,指出用Mel频率尺度可较充分地反映人耳对频率及幅度的非线性感知特性。
The low frequency distortion of the spectral estimation for vibration signal 振动信号谱估计的低频畸变
Phase noise is one of the most important reasons arousing radio frequency distortion of WLAN system. 相位噪声是引起WLAN系统射频失真的重要原因之一。
This double frequency distortion can be used to double frequency of incident signal. 这种倍频失真可用于对入射信号进行倍频。
The discharge condition detection method sused in conventional EDM ( Electirc Discharge Manufacturing) are not suitable for the Micro EDM due to the high frequency and distortion of voltage wave shape. 在微细电火花加工中,由于加工信号的频率高、加工波形的畸变,使得常规放电状态检测法已不再适用。
The Research on High Frequency Distortion Performance of Vehicle Shock Absorber 车辆筒式减振器高频畸变特性研究
This paper gives a systematical research on high frequency distortion Performance of vehicle shock absorber. 该文对车辆筒式减振器高频畸变特性进行了系统研究。
The theory analysis of the frequency spectrum and distortion of sine wave signal. 正弦波信号源频谱及失真度的理论分析。
If the working point were set on zero point or top of curve double frequency distortion would be found. 如果工作点设在零点或是曲线的顶部将出现倍频失真。
To extend the range of the sampling frequency, a method of periodically non-uniform bandpass sampling was put forward in which the value of the average sampling frequency was equal to that of the uniform sampling frequency without distortion. The spectrum aliasing was analyzed. 为拓宽带通信号非均匀采样的采样频率范围,提出了一种周期性非均匀带通采样方法,该非均匀采样的平均采样频率在数值上等于带通信号无失真均匀采样的采样频率。
This paper introduces a middle and high frequency current sensor. The sensor uses Fe-based super microcrystalline soft magnetic alloy as core and can measure 20 kHz transient current, Its linearity reaches up to 0 6%, without frequency distortion. 介绍了一种中高频暂态电流传感器,这种电流传感器采用非晶态合金作为导磁材料,能测量20kHz的暂态电流,线性度达0.6%,无频率失真。
Taking the aerospace vehicle for example, the low frequency distortion phenomenon of the spectral estimation for the measured vibration signal is analyzed. 本文以航天运载器为例,分析了实测振动信号功率谱的低频畸变现象。
This transducer offers higher sensibility and stability and lower frequency distortion, based on unbonded strain gage. 本文介绍的压力换能器采用了涨丝结构,具有较高的灵敏度。
The Control of Medium Frequency Quenching Distortion of Out Star Wheel VL外星轮中频感应加热淬火变形的控制
The frequency nonlinear distortion caused by sampling pulse duration can be compensated by making use special designed FIR digital filter. 取样脉冲竟度带来的频率非线性失真,可以采用数字信号处理加以补偿。
Frequency Distortion Compensation in Sampling Measurement 取样法测量中频率失真的补偿
The high quality of power is indicated by the stability of voltage and frequency, distortion rate of voltage, transient process and so on. 电能的高质量体现在电压和频率的稳定性、电压畸变率、暂态过程长短等多个方面。
Compared to the theory signal, the chirp produced by DDS under large bandwidth, may have frequency distortion due to the limited chirp-rate. 受限于DDS芯片的调频转换速率,在大带宽下,DDS产生的线性调频信号相比理论信号可能存在频率失真。
A dynamic model of measurement system is established through system identification method according to low frequency distortion of the current probe. This method is also used to correct the distorted output signal of the probe. 针对电流探头的低频失真,采用系统辨识方法建立了测量系统的动态模型,并对探头输出信号的失真进行校正。
Results show that the digital filter can well compensate the low frequency distortion in the measured waveform, and the low cut-off frequency is reduced from 2.2 Hz to less than 10~ (-3) Hz. 应用结果表明:该方法可使得测量系统的低频下限由原来的2.2Hz降低到10-3Hz以下,低频响应不足引起的失真得到了很好的恢复。
Reasonable trade-offs are made for conflict between control linearity and timing jitter of the conventional relaxation oscillator. By adjusting the level detection speed of amplitude control circuits, excellent control linearity and restrained frequency distortion are realized. 针对传统弛张振荡器线性控制能力和频率抖动间的矛盾,对二者合理折中,通过对幅值控制电路电平检测速度的调整,在实现较高控制线性度的同时,抑制了频率失真。
For the shortcoming of high frequency signal distortion in the wavelet shrinkage de-noising, we use spectral subtraction to treat with small scales wavelet coefficients and then remove the residual noise with a small threshold; in big scales, we still use threshold method directly. 针对阈值法中高频信号失真的缺点,我们对小尺度上的小波系数做谱减法预处理,之后以一个小阈值去除剩余噪声,大尺度上仍然利用阈值法处理。
What is different from cable channels is that wireless channel has a lot of randomness, and it results in the attenuation of received signal amplitude, phase distortion and frequency distortion, so this is a great challenge in the performance of the receiver. 无线信道比有线信道有着更大的随机特性,从而导致接收信号幅度的衰减,相位和频率的失真,对接收机的性能提出了很大的挑战。
When the carrier communication has difficulties to transmit the information, the one-way power frequency voltage distortion communication can guarantee the street lamp downlink control information to be reliable transmitted as a backup method, and ensure street lamps on and off. 当载波通信困难时,以单向工频电压畸变通信作为备用手段传输下行控制信息,保证路灯的起停能够得到可靠控制。